Curriculum Vitae


Research intern Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica  ·  Full-time February 2022 - December 2022 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

CWI is the national research institute for mathematics & computer science in the Netherlands, based in Amsterdam.

Research intern working in collaboration with the Computational Imaging and Scientific Computing research groups. Field of work focused on the inverse problem aspects of the mathematical methodology developed in the context of fluid flows closure modelling.


  • Theory: Inverse problem, closure model, sensitivity analysis, differential equations, automatic differentiation, neural network
  • Tools: Julia, SciML Ecosystem

Full-Stack Software Engineer Grab  ·  Full-time May 2018 - August 2020 Singapore

Grab is the leading ride-hailing app in Southeast Asia. We use data and technology to improve everything from transportation to payments and logistics across a region of more than 620 million people. Working with governments, drivers, passengers, and charities, we aim to unlock the true potential of the region by solving problems that hinder progress.

Full-Stack engineer from the Real-Time Communication team, in charge of the Back-end development of communication services used by the customers

  • Improvement of media: SMS, Call, Private Messaging, Notification, Email, Chat
  • Implementation of management tool for customer consent
  • Implementation of communications tracking for monitoring & debugging

Core Engineer in charge of development of the new service of messaging

  • Design and maintenance of service infrastructure
  • Back-end development: APIs, tracking, data processing and storage
  • Fully owned life-cycle from design to deployment of the user interface service
  • Impact: 1.7 billion messages sent per week to 240 million customers

Endorsed role of Site Reliability Engineer, responsible for user notifications service continuous operation

  • Monitoring and maintenance
  • Infrastructure modification responsibilities


  • Back-End: Golang, Python, Bash
  • Front-End: ReactJS, Redux, AntD, Webpack
  • Data Engineering & storage: Kafka, Redis, DynamoDB, MySQL
  • Infrastructure: AWS, Terraform

Front-End Software Engineer Niometrics / Mobileum  ·  Full-time May 2016 - April 2018 Singapore

Working on Deep Networks Analytic Solution, real-time network visualisation and analytics
Building high-performance applications for large-scale systems that delivers Deep Network insights to premium customers from Telecommunication industry:

  • Working as a full-stack developer in UX/UI development team based on Singapore
  • Carrying out development and maintenance of User Interface application
  • Implementing monitoring features relatives to local and international telecommunication networks
  • Processing of Big Data issued from telecommunication networks
  • Acquiring knowledges relatives to telecommunication devices and technologies


  • Back-end: Nginx, Node.js
  • Front-End: Webpack, Vagrant, Gulp, React, Redux, HighCharts, D3


University of Amsterdam MSc Computational Science September 2020 - January 2023 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Joint degree programme of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Computational Science at its core involves the development of models and simulations to understand natural systems. Main focus on scientific computing through advanced numerical algorithms applied to fluid flows.


  • Fluid flows, reduced order models, Inverse problems,
  • Data-driven modelling, Advanced numerical algorithms, Deep Learning,
  • Parallel and distributed computing, Computer Vision,
  • Modelling and simulation of real life applications

Institut national des Sciences appliquées de Rouen Engineering Degree, MSc Software Engineering September 2011 - September 2016 Rouen, France

Studied at National Institute of Applied Sciences - Engineering College
Composed of two cycles:

  • 2011 - 2013 : "Grandes Ecoles" preparatory classes
  • 2013 - 2016 : Engineering cycle into "Architecture of Information Systems" department : signal processing, operating systems, databases, statistics, electronic, automatic, data mining, machine learning, image processing, network, web technologies.

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Exchange Semester - School of Computing 2015 Daejon, South Korea

Exchange semester in South Korea at KAIST
Graph Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Databases

CC BY-SA 4.0 Viviane Desgrange. Last modified: March 08, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.